Volunteer Position Renewal

First of all, thank you so much for your willingness to serve in our Children’s Department! Your love, faithfulness, and service to the families of our church are vital components of our core values and mission here at Sale Street. Each year our volunteers must renew their application, take the sexual abuse training, and complete a background check in order to keep our records up to date. We will have opportunities to continue to grow in our volunteer roles throughout the year as well.

Please follow the instructions on this page to update your application and refresh yourself on our ministry and safety policies and procedures. We appreciate your cooperation in this and look forward to serving with you this year!

  1. Volunteer Application Renewal

2. Ministry Policies, Procedures, & Safety

Please read through all of the training as some changes have been made for 2025.

3. Age-Specific Training

Please read and review the sections for the age groups you serve.

4. Signature

3. Sexual Abuse Awareness Training

  1. Watch the training videos for sexual abuse awareness training and complete the quiz at the end. This step is REQUIRED by our elders, insurance, and ministry department in order to serve in Children’s Ministry. This training is done every 3 years. To start the training, click the button below to request access. You’ll receive an email when access has been granted and you can begin.

  2. If you have completed the training in the last three years, click the button below to provide your certificate of completion.

  3. Please click the third button to read and sign our church’s sexual abuse prevention policy.