A place to grow.
Following the biblical example of the early Church in the first century, we not only gather together weekly for corporate worship, but we also gather in smaller groups throughout the week, called CORE Groups. Fundamentally, disciple-making is teaching others the way of Jesus, and we learn best through multiple means of “instruction” (lecturing, discussion, modeling, personal connection, implementation, correction, etc.) CORE Groups provide a more comprehensive approach to disciple-making than a traditional classroom setting, function as microcosms of the church, and are central to us carrying out our mission and pursuing our vision.
CORE Groups
Connected in a community centered on Christ
More than casual acquaintances or co-attenders, members of the Church are the gospel-formed community of God who are actively involved and invested in one another’s lives. CORE Groups provide a smaller context for us to know others and be known by others, as we pursue Christ together.
1 Corinthians 12:27, John 17:20-21, Romans 12:10, Hebrews 10:24-25
Caring for one another like Christ
As disciples of Jesus, we are distinguished by a Christ-like love for one another. CORE Groups provide care for one another’s spiritual and physical needs through pastoral care, prayer, counsel, accountability, and the sharing of resources.
John 13:35, Galatians 6:2, Acts 2:44-45, 1 Peter 5:2, James 5:16
Continuing toward maturity in Christ
Every member of the Church is spiritually gifted and called to the work of ministry. We become equipped for the work of ministry as we learn and obey the teachings of Jesus. CORE Groups study the Bible and live it out, together.
Ephesians 4:11-16, Titus 2:1-8, Colossians 3:16, Matthew 28:20
Contributing to the mission of Christ
As the body of Christ, we live to continue Jesus’ mission of building up the Church through a gospel- saturating, disciple-making movement. In each CORE Group, members share the responsibilities for its functioning and contribute to its growth and maturity. Each CORE Group also has a collective mission, or an identified means of mutually contributing to the mission of the Church.
Matthew 28:19, 2 Corinthians 5:20, Acts 1:8, Matthew 24:14, Matthew 6:10
CORE Group Gatherings
Times and Locations
The weekly time and location of each CORE Group gathering varies based on the needs and preferences of each group. A listing is on the church website and app.